• Objectives

    • We expect to compound our mark to market book value per share over the long term by 15% annually by running Fairfax and its subsidiaries for the long term benefit of customers, employees, shareholders and the communities where we operate – at the expense of short term profits if necessary.
    • Our focus is long term growth in book value per share and not quarterly earnings. We plan to grow through internal means as well as through friendly acquisitions.
    • We always want to be soundly financed.
    • We provide complete disclosure annually to our shareholders.
  • Our values

    • Honesty and integrity are essential in all our relationships and will never be compromised.

    • We always look at opportunities but emphasize downside protection and look for ways to minimize loss of capital.

    • We are results oriented – not political.

    • We are entrepreneurial. We encourage calculated risk-taking. It is all right to fail but we should learn from our mistakes.

    • We are team players – no “egos”. A confrontational style is not appropriate. We value loyalty – to Fairfax and our colleagues.

    • We will never bet the company on any project or acquisition.

    • We follow the Golden Rule: we treat others as we would want to be treated.

    • We believe in having fun – at work!

    • We are hard working but not at the expense of our families.

  • Structure

    • Our companies are decentralized and run by the presidents except for performance evaluation, succession planning, acquisitions, financing and investments, which are done by or with Fairfax. Investing will always be conducted based on a long term value oriented philosophy. Cooperation among companies is encouraged to the benefit of Fairfax in total.
    • Complete and open communication between Fairfax and subsidiaries is an essential requirement at Fairfax.
    • Share ownership and large incentives are encouraged across the Group.
    • Fairfax will always be a very small holding company and not an operating company.